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What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a focused state of mind, very similar to day dreaming. Have you driven down the road, listening to the tunes and realize at some point that you have traveled several miles? That is a form of hypnosis. As you were listening to the music, do you remember the song before the one that you are listening to now? That is a form of hypnosis. When you focus your mental self inward and are imagining and creating in your minds eye, you are in effect in a form of hypnosis. Every morning between that sleep state and awakened state you pass through a state of hypnosis, As you lay down to sleep for the night, you pass through a hypnotic state from wakeful to actual sleep.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a focused state of mind, very similar to day dreaming. Have you driven down the road, listening to the tunes and realize at some point that you have traveled several miles? That is a form of hypnosis. As you were listening to the music, do you remember the song before the one that you are listening to now? That is a form of hypnosis. When you focus your mental self inward and are imagining and creating in your minds eye, you are in effect in a form of hypnosis. Every morning between that sleep state and awakened state you pass through a state of hypnosis, As you lay down to sleep for the night, you pass through a hypnotic state from wakeful to actual sleep.

Hypnosis is such a natural part of our lives that when you are in a hypnotic or trance state we don't even know it because it doesn't feel any different that you feel right now. As you read this article, is there a voice inside your mind reading the words out loud to you? Not so very much different than the hypnotist voicing patter as you are in a focused trance state.

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