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Anxiety strangling your future?

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Anxiety is a reaction to uncertainty, and that's why it matters.

Anxiety is a word that has been around for centuries, but it wasn't until 1955 that the American Psychiatric Association officially recognized it as a medical condition. It can manifest in people's lives in all kinds of ways—from feelings of unease and worry to full-blown panic attacks—and has been linked to everything from depression to chronic pain. And while there are plenty of people who experience anxiety and don't let it get the best of them (as any good friend will tell you), it's also true that anxiety can have devastating effects on our society as a whole—from warping our sense of reality to influencing how we treat others.

The good news is, there are plenty of ways for individuals and society at large to combat anxiety—from therapy to medication to self-care—and we shouldn't let fear keep us from taking action!

Anxiety is not just a feeling, and it's not just for the individual. It's a reaction to uncertainty, and it can manifest in ways that are both damaging to the individual and to society as a whole.

The word "anxiety" has been around for hundreds of

years—and yet we still don't fully understand what it means, but we do know that it is a present effect caused by a Past Trauma, and because of that Hypnotherapy is a very powerful tool in your toolbox to correct the cause.

Anxiety comes from the Latin word angere ("to strangle"), which itself comes from angor ("pain"). In ancient times, anxiety was associated with physical illness—but today we know it as something more complex than that.

Anxiety is defined as a feeling of fear or dread accompanied by tension and nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. But what causes anxiety? According to psychologists, anxiety is caused by uncertainty: not knowing what will happen next can be scary! And if you've ever dealt with anxiety yourself (or have known someone who has), then you know that it's not just scary—it can be physically painful too.

It doesn't stop there though:

Anxiety is a reaction to uncertainty. It can manifest in a variety of ways, but it is always the result of a person's inability to cope with uncertainty in their lives.

Anxiety has been around since before language. It was first used as a word to describe intense fear in the 19th century, and it has since become part of our everyday vocabulary. The term "anxiety disorder" was coined in 1952 by psychiatrist Eugene Hamilton, who defined it as "a group of clinical syndromes characterized by subjective distress and apprehension, often accompanied by autonomic symptoms."

Anxiety disrupts people's lives. It can lead them to withdraw from social interactions or even cause physical symptoms like nausea or headaches. These effects can have devastating consequences for individuals and society alike—but there are ways we can all take care of ourselves so that we don't let anxiety get the best of us!

Anxiety is a reaction to uncertainty. It's an emotion that has been around for as long as humans have, but only recently has it been treated as a medical condition.

Anxiety manifests itself in different ways: some people experience physical symptoms like sweating or a racing heart, while others might feel overwhelmed by the thought of their own mortality. Often, those who experience anxiety are able to identify what causes their anxiety—a difficult conversation, an upcoming test or presentation—but can't figure out how to make it go away.

If we want to live in a society that values everyone's wellness, we need to take steps toward treating anxiety as a real medical condition rather than just a sign of weakness or laziness. What can you do? Start by recognizing your own symptoms and seeking help if you feel like they're interfering with your life.

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